Unitarian Hymnal Sing-along

In which Kathryn attempts to sing a different song everyday from the Unitarian Universalist hymnal, 'Singing the Living Tradition'. Earlier posts are based on songs from the Reader's Digest songbooks she found at yard sales as a child, including: 'Reader's Digest Treasury of Best Loved Songs', 'Reader's Digest Family Songbook', and 'Reader's Digest Family Songbook of Faith and Joy'. Bonus Folk song material from: 'Folk Song USA', by John and Alan Lomax.

25 November 2005

"Blues in the Night"

I would have called this song "My mama done tol' me", since that's the first line, and the only way I know it. But "blues in the night' is in there too. New section today, "The Swing Years", and I'm hoping that they're all fun to sing like this one. Maybe my heart is with the blues.

I like being on vacation, being away from the house. Too much of what I consider my job is housework. A noble profession, yes, but it makes it harder to relax, because there's always something that needs to be done, staring at me. It amakes me feel inadequate too much of the time, and overwhelmed the rest.

I've been staying with my brother and his girlfriend, and their house always look great. I accused them of having 'house fairies' who clean everything up, when I found that the mug I had used yesterday morning was not only clean, but put away. When I have company I feel great to have used mugs drying in the dish rack sometime in the next twenty-four hours, and if we've been up late talking, or if there isn't company, or if it's just an off day, things may not have even gotten that far. Now, on an intellectual level I know that they clean up here, quite often, I've even seen it, but I know that I will never acheive this level of things looking nice, and so I'd rather believe that the shoe elves' cousins have something to do with this. And I'm glad to not be going home quite yet.


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